Aún no tenemos significados para "black fringe".
1SULLEN clouds are gathering fast over the black fringe of the forest.
2The pool lay a lake of silver in a black fringe of trees.
3The funny, black fringe of whiskers around his face jiggled up and down.
4He picked up a cherry red corset trimmed with black fringe.
5Zoe looked up, the black fringe of her bangs hanging in her eyes.
6Up the swelling slopes swept a black fringe that I knew to be timber.
7Has not Nature designed a black fringe for this coast?
8See the black fringe above the bar of gold.
9Come, and show your godmamma what a black fringe those little wakeful eyes are getting.'
10The floor was of polished wooden mosaic, nearly covered with a rich carpet bordered with thick black fringe.
11He could read nothing of the man's mind through the downcast eyelids, with their long black fringe of close-set lashes.
12Every now and then, through the black fringe of forest, she could see a glittering silver reflection of the lake.
13And by the shore of a lake below he made out more groups of animals, a black fringe by the water.
14Madame herself had arranged her hair with a heavy black fringe, and pinned an enormous blue bow at the back of her neck.
15Above him he saw the black fringe of pinon and pine, and above that the bold peak, bare, yellow, like a desert butte.
16His eyes were set so far back under their dark, heavy, red eyebrows that they seemed night-blue with their long black fringe of lashes.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Black fringe a través del tiempo
Black fringe por variante geográfica