A plain hand-drawn letter.
1Garza made protest signs with block capital letters and put them in the window of a local shoe shop.
2Print in block capital letters.
3He said both letters were in the same handwriting, in block capitals.
4The last word's in block capitals but the first two are cursive.
5Both letters were in the same handwriting, and in block capitals, Watson says.
6The names were printed out carefully in block capitals, one beneath the other.
7In block capitals, it said: We are foreign prisoners in Shanghai Qingpu prison China.
8With Wilson, you spell the word "genius" in big block capitals.
9The legend was written in the neat block capitals she remembered so well from her school days.
10To re-enforce his point he writes the word "irreversible" on the board in block capitals.
11The block capitals could be anyone's.
12In its central blue band, spelled out in white block capitals, are the words "The Roman Empire."
13Natalya's name was written in block capitals about a third of the way down, then the actual reference was scrawled beneath.
14With her neat, block capitals, Detective Heat entered on the whiteboard the date and time of Holly Flanders's break-in at Cassidy's apartment.
15Across the top was written in block capitals, "To anyone who has an interest in the death of Lorna Smith-Couper."
16As a fundamental principle, it ought to be plastered in block capitals across the walls of every minority sport association in the world.