Someone who takes bodies from graves and sells them for anatomical dissection.
1That's an improvement over your body snatcher remark the other night.
2Or was she a body snatcher?
3You fucking body snatcher, I think.
4Her gut was screaming body snatcher.
5But it gave him a start all the same to see, grinning at him, Carl Orc, the body snatcher.
6It was Old Scotty's great ambition to be a sniper or " body snatcher" as Mr. Atkins calls it.
7The body snatcher was unchanged, still very tall and thin, his tanned face long and mournful, his eyes narrow, direct and honest.
8No one had been hurt, and the body in the basement would go home with the coroner in his body snatcher truck.
9Where better for a doctor's housekeeper to turn from pillar of the church by day into sexual predator and body snatcher by night?
10One body snatcher, when he in turn entered the graveyard (hopefully for good), left his family nearly £6,000.
11England: body snatchers; burial practices; cholera outbreak; corpse desecration; executions; hill fort burials
12There were nightmares about alien body snatchers and convicts with hooks for hands.
13He's been invaded by fuckin' body snatchers or whatever.
14Body snatchers, known by the grimly ironic sobriquet of "resurrectionists," met the new demand.
15The body snatchers were insane about their detail.
16Hazard -call Mulder and Scully, there appears to have been an invasion of the body snatchers.
Translations for body snatcher