Aún no tenemos significados para "bone face".
1The door opened on a sliver of Mr. Lamb's rag-and- bone face.
2He stared at me, his eyes brimming with tears in his skull-and- bone face.
3Straight transverse suture, not bulging up over the midline. He viewed the bone face-on.
4Its bone face was marked with several concentric dials, some numbered, some etched with obscure sigils.
5His fingers, caging the bone face, came together.
6Kirby rode back from the eddy in the road, his mouth a wide grin splitting his skin-and- bone face.
7They seemed disproportionately large in his skin and bone face and were of an odd shade, neither green nor blue, but somewhere between.
8The major therapeutic complication was the growth defect of the bones face.
9He signaled ten of his men to attack the regular Bone Faces.
10Mokad has made some treaty with those blackheart Bone Faces, haven't they?
11Gilly was tall, with curly brunette hair, and a striking high-cheek- boned face.
12Tumbles of black hair fell down on a pale, finely boned face.
13Shim gripped one of the Bone Face's molars with his pliers.
14The Bone Faces knew about the fire that burned on water.
15He brought the teacup back to his sharp- boned face, looked dolefully at it.
16The colors of the glass circle pulsated on his sharp- boned face.