Different branches of science in this world.
1It would take a different branch of science to solve the mystery.
2That branch of science has constituted itself under the head of Sociology.
3Etymology, viewed in this light, is a most important branch of science.
4And the first branch of science to which I felt inclination was medicine.
5He was profoundly acquainted with every branch of science, particularly the exact sciences.
6Then see what vast fields of interest does each branch of science exhibit.
7Historical knowledge cannot be replaced by any other branch of science.
8And in every branch of science it is the same.
9Is that true in your branch of science as well?
10Perhaps no branch of science owes more to the work of amateurs than mineralogy.
11No branch of science has had so long a period of incubation as chemistry.
12For as long as activity prevails in any branch of science, all results are provisional.
13Perhaps the study of some new branch of science would after all be better diversion.
14Take one branch of science as an illustration-thephysiological.
15He regarded astronomy as more intimately connected with mathematics than any other branch of science.
16The reader can imagine the fate of my favorite branch of science in this fierce struggle.
Translations for branch of science