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Significados de bring the level en inglés
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Uso de bring the level en inglés
Perhaps you'd care to bringthelevel seven balance calibration programs on-line?
In order to bringthelevel of safety we deserve, people must have confidence in the system.
The move would bringthelevel for big banks down to 12.5%.
Our eyes will continue to focus on the level of drawdown to bringthelevel near a five-year industry average, he said.
There are hardly any foreigners, which is, at the moment, bringingthelevel a little bit down.
Bringingthelevel of these items down increases the efficiency of the electrolysis process and cuts down effluent.
However, a source close to the discussions said Khazanah was bringingthelevel of focus on commercial assets higher than before.
They broughtthelevel of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy so far this year to 75 and the total for the month of June to four.
Robust economic growth and banks successfully working through their portfolios has been steadily bringingthelevel of bad loans down in Slovenia over recent years.
It has been a costly process, with millions of euros being pumped into bringingthelevel of infrastructure in the east up to national standards.
The €1.9 billion borrowed for residential mortgages in September has broughtthelevel of mortgage debt to €117.1 billion.
He said there were "no easy options", adding: "We will all have to act together to bringthelevels down and keep them down."