Notably, repair of the terminal-bronchiole epithelium was markedly promoted after transplantation of the differentiated iPSCs.
Furthermore, ABX mice exhibited severe bronchiole epithelial degeneration and increased host mortality after influenza virus infection.
The farther an alveolar duct bifurcation was from its terminal bronchiole, the less asbestos were observed.
Thus, OA exposure induces structural changes in bronchiole ASM content and in agonist responsiveness ex vivo that resemble remodeling in asthma.
DEX induces the expression of calcium-related proteins through the glucocorticoid receptor-mediated pathway and may involve decreased mucin secretion in the bronchiole.
Uso de bronchioli en inglés
Based on murine models, neuroendocrine stem cells of the terminal bronchioli have been postulated as the cellular origin of primary SCLC.
These droplets also occurred in fibroblasts of the visceral pleura, and in fibroblasts of connective tissue around bronchioli and larger blood vessels.