Aún no tenemos significados para "budge when".
1You'd think he might budge when his own granddaughter was at stake.
2Already braced, he didn't budge when the first imp rammed straight into him.
3The Hong Kong dollar HKD=D3 did not budge when the new law was unveiled.
4The door refused to budge when he pushed on it.
5She wouldn't budge when I tried to drag her away.
6The door would not even budge when pulled, and likely was barred on the outside.
7But it was impossible to make the Cossacks budge when once they had got booty and prisoners.
8The desperate Tylenol-charged throngs in the elevators did not budge when the doors opened, because they couldn't.
9And VaporMg is incredibly rigid -the tablet didn't budge when I tried to flex or bend it.
10Wednesday 1 August 2018 Episode 129 Mastermind doesn't budge when Thobile asks for forgiveness.
11They would not even budge when the interpreter took all their clothes off with a view to searching them.
12The warders were about to lead the prisoner away but he stiffened and wouldn't budge when they tried to move him.
13He couldn't be budged when it came to that.
14Life for Cubans became a real struggle, but even so Fidel never budged when potential buyers would make an offer.
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