Aún no tenemos significados para "burning cotton".
1Clouds of smoke filled the room, and the stench of burning cotton.
2I watched until the sound of burning cotton was audible within the silence.
3There was the smell of burning cotton, and then scorched earth.
4Thunder growled on the horizon, and the acrid odor of burning cotton stung his throat.
5The river was covered with burning cotton; perhaps they want to see where it came from.
6Ivy ran back toward the burning cotton fields.
7Hold the bottom of the box to be blackened over a little burning cotton saturated with turpentine.
8As they stood waiting for some word, Goddard was conscious again of the odor of burning cotton.
9I know that, to avoid this row of burning cotton-bales, I had to ride my horse on the sidewalk.
10The red light fell upon fierce, dark faces, now fiercer and more swarthy under the glare of the burning cotton-wood.
11High, slow-moving masses of smoke, with an odour of burning cotton, engulfed the line until the men might have been swimmers.
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