Person involved in activities for the purpose of generating revenue.
Examples for "dealer"
Examples for "dealer"
1But the word used to have another, very different meaning: poultry dealer.
2Oil is still the main factor, said a dealer in Hong Kong.
3It can be difficult to spot, so ask the dealer for help.
4But several firms have made efforts recently to get primary dealer status.
5He has been an opportunist rather than a dealer in general ideas.
1Do you know a trailblazing South African business person in the UK?
2However, the objective of any astute business person is to make money.
3Mr Fowler said those allegations were of particular significance to a business person.
4For a business person, a fire loss can mean permanent closure.
5Doesn't she think it undermines her credibility as a business person?
1Local business woman Elisha Fisk said she fully supported the new addition.
2She's a Whakatane business woman and active advocate for people with disabilities.
3The correctly-tailored, neat business suit is indispensable-asany business woman will attest.
4I've tried dressing like a power business woman in a pencil skirt.
5She was a shrewd, careful business woman of more than average ability.
1I'm a business man at this point so DONT worry about that.
2Thus the lawyer becomes at every turn indispensable to the business man.
3THE modern business man is the true heir of the old magicians.
4I had not-andhave not-anythingof the business man in my composition.
5Here we see the clear-headed, sound, common-sense business man in the making.
6Ends conversation and becomes practical minded business man once again.. View Article
7His face had not even the shrewdness of the successful business man.
8As a business man he ranks among the foremost of the race.
9The temper of the great American business man is an uncertain quantity.
10The last neatly dressed business man was walking briskly from the pier.
11The good fellow at fifty is working for the good business man.
12Every business man knows I was not to blame in that deal.
13He was simply doing what every other business man in Raymond did.
14The tired business man will find it a toil or a pleasure.
15All the same, you handled the situation like a good business man.
16That afternoon I was talking about the matter with a business man.
Translations for business man