Examples for "sturdy"
Examples for "sturdy"
1They become quick in initiative, sturdy in character and brilliant in scholarship.
2In Winterville, several families gathered together in what seemed a sturdy house.
3But it made no difference in their sturdy affection; nothing ever could.
4But his compassion was welded to a sturdy sense of the possible.
5Andrew was near Patrick's age, with a sturdy physique and good teeth.
1Vy in dunder don'd dey gid in dere peds und sday dere, ain'd id?
2Only the silhouette of Gid's lower half was visible in the moonlight.
3Mrs. Cranceford, standing on the door sill, gave Gid a cool stare.
4Gracious, Gid, you not only kill your own time but murder mine.
5Gid said he'd give 'em bells enough, if that's what they wanted.
1This study suggests that Tm-GST has the potential to be used as a diagnostic antigen for Coenurosis.
Translations for caenurosis