Aún no tenemos significados para "call respectively".
1There are, if I am not mistaken, at least three different kinds of belief-feeling, which we may call respectively memory, expectation and bare assent.
2The two were called respectively The Humming Bee, and The Red Cross Knight.
3The two women were called respectively Madame Cordova and Miss Donne.
4The other sides, A and B, are called respectively the base and the perpendicular.
5When the three products of thought are expressed in language, they are called respectively
6Two roads leave Flagstaff for the Canon called respectively the summer and winter roads.
7This is effectually done by two shafts, called respectively the downcast and the upcast shaft.
8A magnet has two main points of attraction called respectively the north and south poles.
9Great and Little Wild Streets are called respectively Old and New Weld Streets by Strype.
10The ear is divided into three parts, called respectively the External, Middle, and Internal ear.
11They are also called respectively determinate and indeterminate, officia juris and officia virtutis.]]
12Of these there are six, called respectively after Chichester, Arundel, Bramber, Lewes, Pevensey, and Hastings.
13The County of VICTORIA, divided into Two Ridings, to be called respectively the South and North Ridings:-
14The County of BRUCE, divided into Two Ridings, to be called respectively the North and South Ridings:-
15The County of HURON, divided into Two Ridings, to be called respectively the North and South Ridings:-
16The County of GREY, divided into Two Ridings, to be called respectively the South and North Ridings:-