The risk of losses is tallied by the bank using a so- calledvalue at risk (VaR) calculation.
One is calledvalue averaging.
Technology and pharmaceutical companies alike believe accurate monitoring using wearables will dovetail with a drive to offer so- calledvalue-based healthcare.
Earlier this year, it bought Expert Software, a publisher of so- calledvalue titles that sell for less than $20.
As a result, some are experimenting with so- calledvalue-based pricing, which can involve refunds if a therapy fails to deliver on its promise.
Klarman is one of the best known so- calledvalue investors in the mold of icon Warren Buffett, who finds good companies that are undervalued.
It may be due to an increase in so- calledvalue-based contracts that are focused on care quality rather than medical services volume, she said.
Some so- calledvalue-add loans up to $100 million to improve properties were yielding interest rates of about 10 percent plus fees, he said.