The facial bones and mandible had been missing, and the calvarium gnawed and weathered.
Materials and methods: Two titanium cylinders were fixed on the calvarium of eight New Zealand rabbits.
Marrow lesions could be identified as patchy areas of calcification (calcific myelitis) in long bones and the calvarium.
Examine brain by making incision from ear to ear across vertex, reflect scalp forwards and backwards, and saw off calvarium.
And beside that, the hooked hammer with which you pull the calvarium from the lower portion of a severed skull.
Uso de calvaria en inglés
Two pre-formed titanium domes were placed on the calvaria of 12 rabbits.
Conclusion: The combination of osteoblastoma and aneurysmal bone cyst of the calvaria is a rare clinical entity.
An immortalized cell line exhibiting a well-differentiated osteoblast-like phenotype was established from calvaria of p53 tumor suppressor-deficient mice.
At 6 weeks, histomorphometry of the area immediately adjacent to the calvaria bone and to the collagen membrane was performed.
This balance may regulate the rate of osteolysis in the murine calvaria model as well as in patients with aseptic loosening.
In contrast, genetic knock out of these cytokines or their receptors does not protect murine calvaria from osteolysis induced by titanium particles.
Then three specimens from rodents: fixed brain, frozen calvaria and live hippocampal slices, were used to experimentally assess system capability and robustness.
Scaffolds formed from fibers modified by self-assembly enhance adhesion of 3T3 mouse calvaria cells and produce greater population growth rates.
These data suggest that aFGF is a less potent mitogen than EGF and a higher inhibitor of ALP activity in fetal rat calvaria cell culture.
The knoll was the old Aramaic Golgotha-inLatin, Calvaria; anglicized, Calvary; translated, The Skull.
Tumor-conditioned media and exogenous ET-1 stimulated osteoblast proliferation and new bone formation in cultures of calvarias from mice.
For instance, I remember witnessing, when I was a girl, a festival at Calvaria, in Gallicia, which is still celebrated every year.