Aún no tenemos significados para "came up stairs".
1Every one noticed how ill she looked when she came up stairs.
2In a moment Mrs. Cox came up stairs and joined her.
3I was in high glee till Mrs. Tanner came up stairs.
4The girl came up stairs, looking rather frightened and much out of breath.
5The servant came up stairs to say goodby; and went away for her holiday.
6Then the door bell rang, and Bridget, with a disturbed face, came up stairs.
7After tea, Dr. Carr came up stairs to sit a while in Katy's room.
8Thaddeus, in a wondering surprise, immediately rang the bell, and Mrs. Robson herself came up stairs.
9Suppose just then the door-bell rang, and Mr. Charles Sumner came up stairs fresh from Washington.
10But a man just then came up stairs.
11On that story I came up stairs.
12Zeal magnified this, as she came up stairs to me, and I wrote to you before I had seen Sir Robert.
13All at once some one came up stairs with heavy footsteps: he opened the door of the room adjoining mine-nowhe stood still!
14Wenna was standing at the open door to receive him when he came up stairs: she had wholly forgotten the embarrassment of their last parting.
15This last assertion quite overset Miss Sophonisba's patience, "If ever any one was asleep," she said, "you were when I came up stairs.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Came up stairs por variante geográfica