Ancient population of Italy.
Examples for "campani"
Examples for "campani"
1According to Campani, the Chevalier Alcantara could never say "lana," or words pertaining to woolen clothing.
2HUYGENS, dated at Paris, mentioning a new observation concerning Saturn, made last spring at Rome by one CAMPANI, viz.
1Spendius repeated the same statements to the Gauls, Greeks, Campanians and Balearians.
2Do not fear but that I was as cunning as your Campanians.
3Have these false Campanians indeed carried out the treachery rumoured of them?
4The sight of so severe a punishment broke the spirit of the Campanians.
5An audience of the senate was then granted to the Campanians.
6The lands allotted to them had formerly belonged to the Campanians.
7The Campanians executed this business with their usual indolence and carelessness.
8Now despair seized high and low, Campanians and Phoenicians alike.
9All the Campanians had a stated sacrifice at Hamae.
10The Romans fought, assisted by Latins, Campanians, and Apulians.
11Appius easily repulsed the Campanians from the rampart.
12Subjugation of the Latins and Campanians by Rome
13Seeing them the Campanians were terribly dismayed and took counsel as to what they should do.
14On this occasion, therefore, the Campanians were misled by imagining themselves stronger than they really were.
15The Campanians moved uneasily on the couches.
16One consideration only disquieted him, and that was, lest on his departure the Campanians should immediately surrender.
Translations for campanians