Food-handlers at both restaurants had elevated anti-Vi antibody titres indicative of carrierstate.
Moreover, the long term impact of ITM on carrierstate and parasite diversity in cattle are largely unknown.
AH8.1 carrierstate was determined in 207 Caucasian patients with severe, pneumonia-related sepsis.
This study therefore confirms the role of ECF vaccination in enhancing carrierstate and T. parva diversity in vaccinated cattle populations.
These results suggest that lymph nodes may play an important role in the carrierstate and the persistence of HCV infection.
Furthermore, the usefulness of in situ hybridization for determining the long term effects of antivirals in carrierstate cell cultures was demonstrated.
It is likely that a carrierstate exists in immunosuppressed transplant recipients since high HCV-RNA levels occur in the absence of liver damage.
It is known that ITM, like natural ECF infection, leads to a carrierstate, whereby vaccinated cattle become asymptomatic carriers of the parasite.
The development of the carrierstate in swine after infection with Salmonella serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) has not been elucidated yet.
A carrierstate in 2 of the females was terminated by antibiotic therapy after 3 and 7 months, respectively.
These problems are the FMDV " carrierstate" and the short duration of immunity after vaccination which contrasts with prolonged immunity after natural infection.
Neutral evolution in Typhi appears to reflect the asymptomatic carrierstate, and adaptive evolution depends on the rapid transmission of phenotypic changes through acute infections.
Bacterial TLR4 activation in epithelial cells leads to chemokine secretion and neutrophil recruitment and TLR4 mutant mice develop an asymptomatic carrierstate.
Background: Little is known about pneumococcal carrierstates in older adults.