Cataloger's Mew, the Bindery, Bolts, Palimpsest, all of them were busy as beehives, full of quiet, industrious scrivs.
Bezos: I went to a catalogers association and started looking at product categories that do well by mail order: No.
Uso de cataloguer en inglés
In temporary use by a cataloguer, or some other library assistant; or 6.
Hilary Pyle is both Jack Yeats's biographer and cataloguer, so her credentials in this field are impressive.
The cataloguer stated his case in sufficient fulness of detail and the first page of the text was reproduced.
An expert cataloguer connected with one of the large auction firms of New York then took up the subject.
The cataloguer labels the books as they come in and prepares cards which will represent the books in the catalogue.
He found the advertisement of an Exeter bookseller in want of a foreman and expert cataloguer at a salary of ninety pounds.
The task of the exact cataloguer is full of difficulty, constantly renewed, and demanding almost encyclopaedic knowledge, and incessant care of minute particulars.
Parsons soon found a job as a cataloguer at Birmingham museum, and at the same time completed a post-graduate correspondence course in museum studies.
The prosecutor's office said the authenticity of the cataloguer has not been verified but said social networks have been used in human trafficking in Chihuahua.
From 1884 to 1889 she was cataloguer in the Columbia College Library and Instructor in the Columbia College Library School.
Frederick Wedmore, the patient cataloguer of Whistler's etchings, once appeared in print as saying that he had "no wish to understand Whistler's works."
And their cousin cataloguers put him in another pigeon-hole.
Cynics might argue it is inevitable that today's online cataloguers would hail a cataloguer of yesteryear.
Then there comes along another set of cataloguers.
Cataloguer of Children's Books, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Probably, on account of its slimness, it is usually bound up with more substantial works, and thus escapes the eyes of book-hunters and cataloguers.