Catholic religious occupation.
Examples for "chaplain"
Examples for "chaplain"
1Major Danby skipped away from the chaplain and hesitated a moment longer.
2The other gentleman in plain clothes was the chaplain of the ship.
3Everyone in the garrison came-eventhe chaplain was here during the supper.
4Leeds's honorary humanist chaplain had been in place for about a year.
5He asked for the presence of a chaplain; the request was refused.
1Why did you become a military chaplain if you don't agree with what they do?
2There could be no doubt that the homeless man in the dark was a military chaplain.
3He was an aged gentleman, formerly a military chaplain, and a man of high spirit and honour.
4Fr Willie Doyle, the Jesuit military chaplain who died 100 years ago this year, is one such figure.
5Instead, I argued that military chaplain positions should be advertised publicly and awarded to the best candidate for the job.
1That was sir Toby Mathews, the catholic chaplain.
2Tells about the heroic actions of the company's young Catholic chaplain, Capt.
3On the pier he saw North talking to Father Flaherty, the Roman Catholic chaplain.
4Catholic chaplains, of whom no adequate number were at first provided for Irish troops, were secured.
5I'm the Catholic chaplain, my son.
1We are glad of the opportunity to associate this year's collection with the name of Stacy Aumonier.
2The sergeant bared his head and the aumonier came up, opening his book with a vaguely professional air.
3"There are other ways," says the aumonier, smiling.
4"I am the Aumonier of Amara, and--
5"Aumonier," said Androvsky, sharply.
Translations for catholic military chaplain