The snout reached to the top of the guide's head, while the caudalfin dragged on the ground.
We therefore undertook a systematic gene expression study to identify genes upregulated during the re-growth of caudalfin tissue.
The dorsal crest is continued round both extremities, becoming expanded to form the rostral fin in front and the caudalfin behind.
A unique model to simulate this process in a controlled manner is the re-growth of the caudalfin of zebrafish after amputation.
We have revealed a critical transition in growth control during zebrafish caudalfin development, wherein a switch from allometric to isometric growth occurs.
This noose slid as far as the caudalfins and came to a halt.
The dorsal and caudalfins were dark grey, and the others mostly of a brilliant orange or bright yellow.
Caudalfin, sixteen rays, divided.
Here, we quantified the global abundance of transcripts, proteins, and metabolites along the proximodistal axis of caudalfins of uninjured and regenerating adult zebrafish.