Witty language used to convey insults or scorn.
Examples for "irony "
Examples for "irony "
1 The great irony , of course, is that WorldCom's problems were only beginning.
2 The irony of the situation was not totally lost on him, however.
3 That's the irony in what is happening in the cable industry today.
4 There's a tragic irony there, seen from the Tibetans' point of view.
5 There is, to be sure, a keen irony to the UK situation.
1 Duncan felt pleasantly surprised that she'd asked without either challenge or sarcasm .
2 Great, I said, trying to keep the sarcasm out of my voice.
3 I hope I'm not to blame!' Aemilia Fausta gurgled with girlish sarcasm .
4 Her words dripped sarcasm as she asked, And this is your plan?
5 Such a reservation in favor of his Majesty seemed a superfluous sarcasm .
1 We can also point to having led the way with political satire .
2 One notable absence from the program was political satire on Britain today.
3 Almost all American satire today follows a formula discovered by Harvey Kurtzman.
4 Of course, there's nothing new about satire : it's as old as politics.
5 When satire gets overtaken by reality, you know society is in trouble.
1 The premier's subtly caustic remark did not reflect the official stance.
2 In the past she would have been offended, drawn away, made some caustic remark .
3 Kenko would have had some caustic remark for that.
4 As she surveyed herself finally in the long glass, she flung out the somewhat caustic remark :
5 My assistant manager frowned at my caustic remark .
6 Catherine's caustic remark created a brief silence.
7 Adam bit back a caustic remark .
8 On one occasion he dropped a caustic remark about the bigots who contend that God is a moralising censor.
9 I ignored his caustic remark .
10 He made one caustic remark after another touching on the arrested development of the feeling of equality among the rich.
11 He often made a quaint or slightly caustic remark , but he took care that it should not be too trenchant.
12 A caustic remark , perhaps.
13 As for his friends, Silvey, after a few caustic remarks , forbore comment.
14 The Abbot was greatly annoyed, and mumbled a series of reproaches and caustic remarks .
15 Two of his secretaries had resigned, one after the other, because of his caustic remarks .
16 She scarcely heard the squire's caustic remarks concerning Robin.
Other examples for "caustic remark"
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This collocation consists of: Translations for caustic remark