Someone who lives in a cave.
1The original cave man, the troglodyte, may have got his that way.
2There, in the cave man's mind, is the first craving for immortality.
3We can hardly expect a cave man to be always so punctual.
4His fighting was that of a wild cave man, blind, furious, damaging.
5No way I'm getting within arm's reach of that cave man.
6The night was not always one of silence in the cave man's time.
7There was a good deal of the cave man about him.
8The cave man knocked over his foe with a rude club.
9You're a cave man, elder brother- Iputmy money on Nina every time.
10I don't want to turn into a ' cave man'-noryet a 'cave woman'!
11It was not matter of surprise that even the stout-hearted cave man stood aghast.
12You have heard of the ' cave man,' have you not?
13Trepanning of the skull, the geologic record indicates, was done even by the cave man.
14The cave man theory interested Carley only as mythology.
15It may be that never before had a cave man, thus armed, done so well.
16The cave man's club made law and procured food.
Translations for cave man