1Celeriac, otherwise misleadingly known as celery root, is not actually the root of the celery plant.
2Actually, certain Native People use the roots and seed of the celery plant as a stimulant and tonic, even as a nerve sedative.
3So never take up a whole lot of celery plants at one time.
4July 1st-Beans ,endive ,kale ,lettuce ,radish ,wintercabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and celery plants.
5Of course when the celery plants are clearly outlined, the lettuce should be pulled out.
6So Peter bought young celery plants from his grandfather.
7One should not take up celery plants and perhaps leave them a long time before placing in new quarters.
8Joseph Harris says, Some years ego we used nitrate of soda cautiously as a top dressing on the celery plants.
Translations for celery plant