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Significados de certain soldier en inglés
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Uso de certain soldier en inglés
A certainsoldier was allowed to go home on furlough.
In order to question a certainsoldier he was confined to jail for two weeks where the suspect was imprisoned for another offense.
Moreover, certainsoldier-types sport powers such as "bayonet charge", letting them rush across the battlefield to quickly take an enemy out of commission.
Tithes are granted to certainsoldiers, and can be redeemed.
Moreover, when I was in Egypt I saw certainsoldiers in white helmets, who were certainly British.
But when the weather turned ugly, " certainsoldiers were not as comfortable flying," Vargas recalls.
The King sent certainsoldiers to seize Mhidhie, who was at prayers in an inner room when they arrived.
There they were assigned to tasks under the watchful eyes of certainsoldiers, amongst whom Jimmie noted his erstwhile friend Otto.
Only that the Emir Musa was very angry at her loss and because of it caused certainsoldiers to be beaten on the feet.
Some of the congregation being opposed to him, he was guarded while preaching, by certainsoldiers and friends who had "heard him gladly."
8 Then Longinus, a certainsoldier, taking a spear,' pierced his side, and presently there came forth blood and water.