Aún no tenemos significados para "certain sums".
1You said that you have handed over certain sums of money to Countess Arselaarts.
2They threatened to make this information public if certain sums of cryptocurrency were not received.
3By offering certain sums for such articles the Professor induced individual effort in that direction.
4Then followed the specification of certain sums of money to be distributed among the servants.
5They agreed to pay him certain sums of money.
6Judgment may include certain sums of money allowed to the successful party in part compensation of his expenses.
7It promptly bleeds the beneficiaire of certain sums per day, for quarters, horse allowance, forage, and the like.
8In the account book of one of them were items recording certain sums having been paid to Mr. Judson.
9Diplomatists are allowed certain sums by their governments for entertaining, and are formally dined in return by their guests.
10He kept the field fifteen years, and afterward falling into difficulties, put it out as security against certain sums.
11Added to these certain sums there was that unknown incalculable amount that he might yet receive for unsolicited contributions.
12Other societies pledged certain sums.
13This we conclude because, in his will, he ordered certain sums to be paid to these merchants, without mentioning why.
14What could I do when he reminded me that I could not keep my parish unless certain sums were paid?
15He was tributary to the Indian government, who allowed him certain sums for keeping a section of the Himalaya-Thibet road in repair.
16Except certain sums that I have given to be spent in charities-notin masses, mind you- Ihaveleft you all I possess.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Certain sums a través del tiempo
Certain sums por variante geográfica