Value of the charge level of an energy storage system relative to its capacity.
Examples for "charge"
Examples for "charge"
1The largest question in democratic politics in Europe is: who's in charge?
2A similar fast-charge network for Europe will be announced later this year.
3In both cases, the media led the charge: and quite right too.
4The report said the children were being given necessities free of charge.
5I will solve this Unresolvable Problem right now -free of charge.
1There, hidden among the many diversions of alt., talk., and soc.
2Three of them, including the supermad dude, were soc grad students!
3All of soc}ie}ty}h}as them bedded, but ca}n} he}}c}onv}in}ce her to be}co}me wedded?}
4That is, their lord has soc jurisdiction over them.
5At the New York Hilton 300 members of the American Astronautical Soc.
1Nissan tells us the state of charge meter showed three bars (out of 12) remaining at the end of the run.
2Like the Chevrolet Volt, a smartphone app will let you keep tabs on the state of charge, set the charging time and monitor other info.
3Scott's rigged his RAV4 with a super-precise state of charge meter and has on occasion rolled into the driveway with less than one percent left.
4Tesla also claims that the State of Charge indicator never reached zero.
1Red and green LED lights alert you to the PEG's charge level.
2The green bar that used to indicate its charge level had blackened long ago.
3The seven-inch touchscreen displays all the standard info (speed, charge level, range), and lets you unlock the scooter with a PIN instead of a key.
4Broadly speaking, there are two EV charging levels for residential use.
5There had been no questions, no evidence seized, no charges leveled.
1The higher the charge percentage, the higher the voltage level.
Translations for charge percentage