Most of the acronyms refer to pesticides - or 'environmental chemicalpollutants'.
Neither do they spew tons of fish waste or chemicalpollutants.
However, Xinhua said area residents had been evacuated "in fear of chemicalpollutants in the air".
Radio waves, subliminal messages, electronic and mechanical vibrations, toxins, chemicalpollutants-suchfragile boundaries between a body and the world.
The big unspoken worry in the north is that large deposits of chemicalpollutants are trapped within the ice.
The Food Safety Authority of Ireland describes the chemicalpollutants found in some pig meat samples as dioxin-like PCBs.
The cause of the syndrome was attributed to trace chemicalpollutants emitted by building materials, equipment, furnishing and human beings.
Bellandur lake in the southern Indian city of Bangalore periodically catches fire because of the cocktail of chemicalpollutants it contains.
As for new chemicalpollutants such as endocrine disrupters, heavy metals, and plastics, we simply don't know yet how much is too much.
This shows that predation stress can have adverse effects on the toxicity of chemicalpollutants to microalgae on the organism and population levels.
The bad news is that, with everything from chemicalpollutants, to lack of sleep, your body can't keep up with the constant repair and replacement.