Aún no tenemos significados para "chew the cud".
1I line up with the sky-pilot and chew the cud of silence.
2Of what sweet and bitter experience did he not chew the cud!
3The Bible says the rabbit and the hare chew the cud.
4But the Being that made them says they chew the cud.
5It gave a mellow grunt, gurgled again and started to chew the cud.
6Among these the sheep graze, the donkeys bray, and the cows chew the cud.
7All creatures that chew the cud have two toes, or are what is called cloven-footed.
8Sixth, the Ruminants; animals which chew the cud.
9If there be aught of memory in him, let him sit and chew the cud thereof.
10He went away without committing himself, and she was left to chew the cud of reflection.
11RUMINANTS.-Thegroup of quadrupeds which ruminate or chew the cud, such as oxen, sheep, and deer.
12The rest lounge on a couch or sofa, or chew the cud of memory on an ottoman.
13The Ruminants, or animals that chew the cud, are cows, sheep, and goats, deer, giraffes, and camels.
14They make the field ring with their importunate chink, whilst the great cattle chew the cud and are silent.
15If your fat kine have eaten the lean, they have not lain down to chew the cud ever since.
16There are no monkeys and no animals that chew the cud, but there is a wonderful variety of birds.
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Chew the cud a través del tiempo
Chew the cud por variante geográfica