Poland's chiefveterinary officer said Lithuania had not banned Polish poultry imports.
They included the Turf Club's chiefveterinary officer, and head of anti-doping, Dr Lynn Hillyer.
The chiefveterinary officer, Nigel Gibbens, subsequently extended the housing order until the end of February.
Image: Getty Victoria's chiefveterinary officer Dr Graeme Cooke said Agriculture Victoria was acting swiftly to contain the outbreaks.
The chiefveterinary officer, Nigel Gibbens, said: We have taken swift action to limit the risk of the disease spreading.
The report by the Polish chiefveterinary officer was compiled as part of an investigation into the horse meat scandal.
Increased surveillance is key to monitor the situation and keep track of virus spread, said FAO chiefveterinary officer Joseph Domenech.
The department's chiefveterinary officer, Paddy Rogan, said the animals on these sites would have to be removed from the system.
The former chiefveterinary officer at the Department of Agriculture, Colm Gaynor, is the new chairman of racing's Anti-Doping Task Force.
Thankfully, we have people to help like Dr Magdoline Awad, who is the chiefveterinary officer at Greencross The Pet Company.
He said the 65% cull rate would "deliver clear disease benefits" based on advice from chiefveterinary officer Nigel Gibbens.
Irish racing's chiefveterinary officer expressed satisfaction at how bio-security measures implemented over the weekend helped ensure the sport could continue here.
The North's chiefveterinary officer, Dr Bob McCracken, yesterday confirmed no symptoms were found in examinations of three farms, still under restrictions.
Another early member of the team, Joe Bielitzki, studied the effects of space travel on animals while he was NASA's chiefveterinary officer.
Northern Ireland's chiefveterinary officer, Dr Bob McCracken, is hoping that the cattle tracing computer will be up to speed for the autumn.
Irish racing's chiefveterinary officer has said the sport in Ireland is currently at no more threat of equine flu than it was yesterday.