Aún no tenemos significados para "christian ethic".
1The Christian ethic, to the bewildered chagrin of its advocates, has triumphed.
2In what respect, so far as our conceptions extend, has Christian ethic failed?
3This was the big fact about Christian ethics; the discovery of the new balance.
4In that it did not condemn, our Christian ethics approved.
5There's an echo of a Christian ethic going on there.
6He completely rejected the individualistic conception which underlay Kantian as well as Christian ethics.
7Herein lies the broad and blessed distinction between the world's morality and Christian ethics.
8They did not argue about Christian ethics and modern warfare.
9I never knew what remorse meant before, but your Christian ethics have mastered me this time.
10They had excellent reasons, from their viewpoint, to preach the Christian ethic to the masses, you know.
11It is one of the oldest simplifications of Christian ethics and its roots lie in tomorrow's Gospel.
12GNED, I learn, is short for General Education, so named because it's Liberty's foundational course in Christian ethics.
13I hate your etiolated Christian ethics.
14Surely if we believe in God-anyhow in Christian ethics-thiswar is a monstrous crime in which all humanity is involved.
15Nor was it any business of mine to work out harmonies between Christian ethics and the principles of modern banking.
16The distinctively Christian ethic is based not upon self- assertion but upon self-sacrifice, not upon class distinctions but upon brotherhood.
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