On the Christianrite of churching women after childbirth.
But there are Christianrites, expressly and solemnly instituted.
Well, worships he in secret after the Christianrites?
This is a ritual that merges a bit of traditional Rwandan culture with the Christianrite.
And deem'd it less a Christianrite than a Pagan sacrifice;
And wishing the union in conscience agreeable to you, I undertake to celebrate it according to Christianrite and Moslem.
It had been permitted to us to bury the body with Christianrites, if we could do it in secret.
So she yielded to him, and their wedding was held in harvest time, and celebrated according to the Christianrites.
She would not turn back, until she brought it to pass that Etzel's child was christened after the Christianrite.
The idea of preserving a body scientifically, cutting out the Christianrite of burial, therefore has radical as well as dictatorial associations.
No priest would marry them with Christianrites, because Helgunda's father had promised her to the cloister for the glory of God.
Notice the peculiarity of both the Jewish and the Christianrite, that the centre point of both is a historical fact, a redeeming act.
Thus it would not be in any way surprising if a tradition of the survival of these semi- Christianrites at this period also existed.
They'd already been wed according to Christianrites by his uncle, Father Elwinus, early that morning, but now would come the elaborate Norse wedding ceremony.
They were much pleased with our exposition, as they were ignorant of every thing relative to the Christianrites, the name of Christ alone excepted.
The Christianrite, we know, was not a Christian invention, but was borrowed from ancient times, from the great storehouse of Asiatic traditions and beliefs.