1People like me would always be chump change to people like her.
2Only got one Failure to Appear yesterday, and it's strictly chump change.
3The Burg has a news pipeline that makes CNN look like chump change.
4Sebring has offices downtown, and his operation makes Vinnie's look like chump change.
5And, most spectacular of all, the Washington Post was bought for chump change.
6But that's chump change compared with what coaxial cable can deliver.
7Logos on jumpers are great, but they're chump change really.
8This is chump change but Berkshire Hathaway doesn't fool around.
9It's chump change when you look at what a Super Bowl commercial cost, she says.
10Three hundred thousand dollars is chump change for him.
11Even at twice the cost, that's chump change.
12A newborn is chump change to a woodstove.
13That's not chump change, and it beat the company's internal expectations, according to the earnings announcement.
14If you're not careful, before you know it that " chump change" can really add up.
15He wanted chump change for some beer.
16Castillo was forced to focus on stolen cars, which was chump change compared to the other stuff.
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Translations for chump change