Chief among them were classicvideogames, sci-fi and fantasy novels, and movies of all genres.
That means fewer classicvideogames (and everything else, for that matter) being sold off or donated.
It's an exhaustive, painstakingly assembled collection that should have any admirer of classicvideogames going green with envy.
It's a popular Japanese TV show in which a comedian attempts to clear some of the wickedest classicvideogames ever devised.
That said, I did want to check out the second of the faux classicvideogames that will be included in this episode.
Visitors to Akihabara, Tokyo's famed home of nerd culture, looking to mine the district's renowned cache of mint-condition classicvideogames might be disappointed.
Tokyo's nerd district has long been home to the rarest, most obscure collectibles in the fields of manga, anime, and of course classicvideogames.