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This client-server model also supports moving beyond secondary content into primary content.
Materials and methods: The ReCompare concept was implemented using a client-server based software solution.
It is based on yet another technology (besides FTP and client-server)-hypertext.
IMAP implements an interactive client-server model of interaction between the mail server and the client software.
All three services are based on client-server technology.
It's migrating from client-server systems to Web-based ones, and not all ERP systems are ready for the change-over.
The client-server paradigm can work well.
Older stand-alone or client-server computer environments (the first and second paradigms) will, we are told, melt away.
When it finds a peer, they negotiate a client-server relationship based on current load, and the client then associates with the server.
Now, bugs get fixed in client-server programs and 10,000 to 20,000 desktop computers have to be updated.
And if horror of horrors you don't know what MS-DOS stands for or why the future lies in client-server computing, don't worry.
Microsoft seemed opposed to the cloud trend, fighting for the traditional client-server model it has built its server and desktop operating system empire on.