Plant with a growth habit of trailing or scandent (that is, climbing) stems or runners.
Examples for "climber"
Examples for "climber"
1Visit Website LESSON: Modern climbing ropes include a number of climber-friendly features.
2Question 1: Can the climber stand and put weight on the ankle?
3One night I saw a climber lead a route in this area.
4Soon, however, the clouds closed in again, concealing the climber from view.
5Free Solo, a new film about rock climber Alex Honnold, is different.
1Place a vine leaf, rib side down, on a clean work surface.
2Of course, there was that one hatchling swinging about on a vine.
3The birds were chirping sleepily to each other in the wistaria vine.
4In a vine-covered summer-house in a beautiful garden, two boys were standing.
5Then she let go of the vine and took his hand again.
1When performed by climbing plants, the object and the advantage are obvious.
2If you ever lounge through your houses, remember me and climbing plants.
3Palmer's new clients have added herb pots, fake grass and climbing plants.
4The climbing plants are finer here than I have ever before seen them.
5It is a good deal harder than writing about my dear climbing plants.
1A climbing plant with leaves resembling the box, and a small flosculous blossom.
2The attentions, the amenities, the prejudices of the world are like a climbing plant.
3The roots of a climbing plant growing in tropical climates.
4Almost as ludicrous as if your Dad's soul was trapped inside a large climbing plant.
5The pea is a climbing plant.
6Ivy is an evergreen, climbing plant.
7Strictly speaking, "betel" is the leaf of a climbing plant (buyo) that is chewed with the nut.
8Asagao (lit., "morning-face") is the Japanese name for the beautiful climbing plant which we call "morning glory."
9The Indians told us that the forests which cover the Sipapo abound in the climbing plant called vehuco de maimure.
10A climbing plant that strangles its host and has the ability to devastate native forest has been found north of Auckland.
11Of a graceful climbing plant, the blossoms of which are used in making beer, to preserve it and improve its flavor.
12Daun gundi or tabung bru (Nepenthes destillatoria) can scarcely be termed a flower, but is a very extraordinary climbing plant.
13Though not perfectly hardy, yet this handsome climbing plant, if cut down to the ground, usually shoots up freely again in the spring.
14It is a creeping, climbing plant that has fastened on the limbs of others and grown great from a sap not its own.
15The nearer wing presented a verandah apparently overgrown by some climbing plant, the nature of which it was impossible to determine in the darkness.
16It was a house with a portico; about the pillars of this portico was trelliswork, and on the trelliswork was trained some climbing plant.
Translations for climbing plant