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Significados de clinical implication en inglés
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Uso de clinical implication en inglés
In addition, the clinicalimplication of a reduced BRS in these disorders is discussed.
The clinicalimplication of these increases is not known.
Evaluation of time-dependency of risk factors may have important clinicalimplication in determining the therapeutic strategy.
The clinicalimplication of the study is discussed.
Here, we uncover the critical role of small GTPase RhoE in post-MI recovery and its clinicalimplication.
The significance and clinicalimplication of a certain magnitude of change in the modified Sharp score is discussed.
These findings raise the important clinicalimplication that some SMN-elevating therapeutics might be effective in MN diseases besides SMA.
As a member of the catenin family, expression of δ-catenin and its clinicalimplication in numerous tumors remain unclear.
Conclusions: The present data reinforce the clinical utility of OPG in carotid atherosclerosis, whereas the clinicalimplication of RANKL seems uncertain.
The present study aimed to assess the clinicalimplication of plasma OPG and RANKL levels in patients with advanced carotid atherosclerosis.
We therefore explored the clinicalimplication of plasma XO activity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome (MetS).
However, the function and clinicalimplication of PDCD4 in giant cell tumors of the bone (GCTBs) has not been previously investigated.
Objective: To investigate the expression and clinicalimplication of advanced oxidized protein products (AOPP) in patients with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS).
Despite compelling biological plausibility and clinicalimplication, the association between iodinated contrast media exposure and incident hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism has not been rigorously studied.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinicalimplication of MGMT protein expression and its correlation with promoter hypermethylation of the gene.
The clinicalimplication of microarray analysis of MM SMCs is that it provides potential targets that could induce muscle differentiation and inhibit extracellular matrix production.