Objective indication of a medical fact or characteristic of a disease, injury, or abnormal physiological state that may be detected during the physical examination of a patient.
The most important clinicalsign was the menopausal or postmenopausal vaginal bleeding.
Presence of chloracne is considered to be a clinicalsign of dioxin exposure.
Protease activity was significantly associated with the clinicalsign of soft tissue necrosis.
One postinflammatory AS also had infective endocarditis from gram positive cocci without clinicalsign.
Intermittent pre-excitation had been present for 4 weeks prior to any other clinicalsign of rejection.
Leiomyoma of the kidney is a benign tumor, and hematuria may be the only clinicalsign.
However, knowledge of this symptom is important because it may be the only clinicalsign of DHD.
The anticoagulant, which was identified as heparan sulfate, was the clinicalsign of global abnormalities in the patient's plasma glycosaminoglycans.
The inclusion criteria in the control group (n=194) was the absence of any clinicalsign or risk factor of sepsis.
Diarrhea was the most common clinicalsign in hypocobalaminemic cats and vomiting or anorexia was the most common sign in normocobalaminemic cats.
Although this is a rare clinicalsign, when accompanied by uveitis or orogenital ulcers, it may suggest a diagnosis of Behçet's disease.
In boys, testicular growth above 4 cm2 or 4 ml is the first clinicalsign of gonadal pubertal maturation.
It is a widespread problem that occurs as a clinicalsign of disease or as an adverse effect of a drug therapy or surgical procedure.
The application of allogeneic ASCs neither raised clinicalsign of acute or chronic adverse tissue reactions, nor the formation of abnormal tissue in the long-term.
Introduction: The membranous superficial fascia (MSF) was described early in the 19th century, as was its role in the clinicalsign of urethral disruption.
Clinicalsigns and immune responses were monitored for 8 days after challenge.