Aún no tenemos significados para "cold disdain".
1They jeered at Gloria, but the Princess regarded them with cold disdain.
2A certain cold disdain had crept into Irene's face as she listened.
3Serafina's face only expressed a cold disdain, but slightly masked by politeness.
4She looked away from him in silence, the silence of a cold disdain.
5He had commandeered the CIA and treated Helms with cold disdain.
6Instead, the eyes gave him back a stare of cold disdain.
7Struggling artists, weary souls lingering in the shadow of cold disdain!
8But then she stood up a little straighter, her eyes narrowed with cold disdain.
9He saw the cold disdain in her averted face.
10She stared at him for a long moment, her eyes meeting his with cold disdain.
11He used to tear the envelopes open viciously and read every word with cold disdain.
12The old woman looked away from him, holding her head down as if in cold disdain.
13Bellecour eyed them in cold disdain, until presently Charlot and his bride were abreast of him.
14She was listening with eyes downcast, but her face was a very mask of cold disdain.
15They taught that cold disdain of man, I supposed, as a required study at St. Agatha's.
16You stared at him in cold disdain as if he were a toad under your feet!
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Cold disdain a través del tiempo
Cold disdain por variante geográfica