Aún no tenemos significados para "cold wetness".
1I could almost feel the cold wetness under my own fingertips.
2Pon-lor forced his eyes aside and wiped a cold wetness from his cheeks.
3The cold wetness was the best thing in the world.
4We plunged in and let the cold wetness embrace in.
5Duncan felt the cold wetness and smelled the violetlike odor.
6Driscoll felt the cold wetness in his nose and mouth.
7She still felt her own hunger, and stepped away from the cold wetness around her feet.
8Doing it with his hands didn't give him as much cold wetness as he felt he needed.
9Through this the dragon-mages glided silent as shadow, just above the trees, gray cold wetness hemming them in.
10A thump against the back of her neck and cold wetness was the first and only clue she had.
11Gwen flinched as she watched, remembering the cold wetness speckling her face as the corpse lurched away from her.
12It looks perfectly real, right down to the way it sweats and the cold wetness of it on my fingertips.
13A cold wetness was seeping into my cloak as we plodded through the rain to Janek's apothecary shop on Kozí Street.
14He felt the cold wetness on his thighs before he realized he was urinating in his pants; a shell exploded nearby and he sobbed.
15She got up and stood next to the wall, and felt the slick cold wetness as she followed the wall, which became an icy blue-green.
16Before Rumsey could say anything, he felt a cold wetness on his shirt and trousers, and then another glob of gel all over his face.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Cold wetness por variante geográfica
Estados Unidos de América