Church where the daily office of worship is maintained by a college of canons.
1It is now a collegiate church, and enriched with the treasure of his relics.
2In the German language he is called St. Scharies, and his collegiate church of Bremen Sant-Scharies.
3COLLEGII] The canons and other ecclesiastical officers together constituted St. Paul's a ' collegiate church'.
4In the cloister, in the castle chapel, and in the collegiate church he alternately exercised his gifts.
5The relics of St. Sigebert are now deposited in the collegiate church of our Lady at Nancy.
6The collegiate church of S. Nicola in the village contains a remarkable staurotheca of the 11th (?)
7The meetings of the commission were held in the Library of the Cathedral, once a collegiate church of the Cistercian order.
8Tomorrow is the feast of St Nicholas and in St Nicholas's collegiate church, Galway, there will be a patronal festival Eucharist.
9Here the saint built a great monastery, which flourished for many ages, till it was converted into a collegiate church of secular canons.
10His relics, kept in the collegiate church of Thane, in the county of Ross, were resorted to by pilgrims from all parts of Scotland.
11The Collegiate Church of St Nicholas more than makes up for that.
12A number of the monasteries were converted into collegiate churches, with schools attached.
13Bees' College, and now Fellow of the Collegiate Church of Manchester.
14After the program, Florence Pert, an associate minister of Marble Collegiate Church, approached me.
15He has been pastor of the Marb- Collegiate Church since 1932, and a dwindling congregation.
16He was a minister of the Collegiate Church, New York, for nearly half a century.
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Translations for collegiate church