Examples for "brown"
Examples for "brown"
1Very light blue eyes, of course; no, quite clearly they are brown.
2Whether they will encounter brown bears more often remains to be seen.
3The leader is a dark-brown stallion; the mares are lighter in colour.
4Stir in cornstarch until blended; stir in brown sugar and orange juice.
5The figure was moving off through the brown water, step after step.
1He was only puzzled by the hazy, yellow- brown color of the sky.
2The fur of the young animal is of a beautiful brown color.
3When done the parsnips will be of a creamy, light brown color.
4He was of a greenish- brown color, with some yellow on the sides.
5This causes the biscuits to have a rich, brown color when baked.
1Kristina McElroy has been drawn to the colour brown these past few months.
2His hat was like a helmet, or Spanish montero; and his locks curled below it decently; they were of colour brown.
3His hat was like a helmet, or Spanish montera; and his locks curled below it decently: they were of colour brown.
4Colour brown, loosely branched and several inches high.
1Roast for 25 minutes until the top is a rich brown colour.
2The bottom should be a nice brown colour as well as sides.
3The female is of a sandy- brown colour above, and beneath almost white.
4The other young person's were thickish, more level; a full brown colour.
5This soup should be quite transparent and of a bright brown colour.
1He even drove to Safety Commissioner Lee Brown's home and started honking his horn.
2He works on the top floor of headquarters, not far from Commissioner Lee Brown's office.
3Tiffany Lee Brown, a writer, musician, and creative-content consultant based in the Pacific Northwest, is the editor of Signum.
4The home side got off to the ideal start when captain Naylor rose to head in Lee Brown's corner with little over a minute played.
1Newberry adored this package from the first minute since she inherited her Father's round face & caramel color brown eyes.
2The sails were colored brown, and appeared like leather or skins, but were really cloth.
3It was a Lincoln Town Car, the same vintage and color Brown and his wife owned.
4Her gown was of undressed flannel, colored brown.
5Marie-Christine wore a coarse blouse of dull, tea- colored brown, and a skirt the color of pâté.
6The plasm is colorless or green by the presence of Zoochlorella, or colored brown or black by pigments.
7Her frown is colored brown.
9Jasper was dressed in skin- colored brown fitted knickers, pants that were low cut, stopped at the knee, and no shirt.
10From being black it can become instantly white; from being an earth- colored brown it can fade into a delightful water-colored green.
11They are frequently colorless and beautifully transparent, the body being free from large opaque granules; again they are colored brown or yellow.
Translations for color brown