Graphical user interface element.
Examples for "button"
Examples for "button"
1North Korea nuclear test: why did Kim Jong-un press the button now?
2But one thing was crystal clear: Twitter still needs an Edit button.
3To enable this feature, simply slide the button from left to right.
4For example, the input button for my LG TV didn't work properly.
5It also comes with a Home button to open the main menu.
1These are not the standard push button type that operate when activated.
2From then on, the set is operative on remote, push button tuning.
3She turned over and, feeling for the push button, turned on the electric light.
4She's pretty push button and you can do whatever you want with her, Maher said.
5You pronounce that like the bell in push button.
1Runacres hit his command button and glared at the conference screen.
2Command Button Orientation This one is a small quibble, but it's big in terms of the experience of the operating system itself.
Translations for command button