Specification of a conceptualization.
Examples for "vocabulary"
Examples for "vocabulary"
1How, for example, did Ellie just translate 'extremely difficult' and 'massive vocabulary'?
2The English language doesn't offer a specific vocabulary for describing food aromas.
3This purpose is best served if the vocabulary evolves with consumers' language.
4It's no coincidence that internet phenomena share a vocabulary with certain diseases.
5The main causes of the translation are vocabulary difficulty and syntactical complexity.
1Some of the SNPs matched into four functional groups in gene ontology.
2Gene ontology and KEGG analysis highlighted 59 metabolic pathways between identified proteins.
3Performed functional analysis showed strongly enriched gene ontology terms associated with protein methylation.
4The common approach for their detection is based on gene annotation and ontology.
5Bioinformatic tools were used for pathways, network, gene ontology and toxicity related studies.
1One of Alchemy's largest applications to date was to learn a semantic network (or knowledge graph, as Google calls it) from the web.
2It makes data accessible through real-time search, dashboard analytics, knowledge graphs and real-time alerts.
3To understand how the new Gmail search feature works, you have to look to how Google has integrated its Knowledge Graph into general search results.
Translations for computational ontology