Conclusions: This study confirmedthesignificance of MUL for the continence outcome following RARP.
Cox regression analysis however confirmedthesignificance of primary site and PNE as independent prognostic factors.
Conclusions: This large single-institution study independently confirmedthesignificance of prognostic covariates in the new AJCC staging system.
Knock-down of Twist by shRNA confirmedthesignificance of Twist in response to TGF-β regulating Wnt3 during EMT.
Multivariable logistic regression analysis confirmedthesignificance of these changes in mortality, with 17% decreased odds of in-hospital death per three-year period (P=0.012).
Multiple regression analysis adjusting for differences in predicted infarct size confirmedthesignificance of streptokinase on the difference in infarct size (p = 0.006).