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Significados de congratulatory address en inglés
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Uso de congratulatory address en inglés
The magistrates presented him with a congratulatoryaddress.
To the congratulatoryaddress of the Senate, Napoleon replied: The life of a citizen belongs to his country.
He received a congratulatoryaddress from the lord-mayor and aldermen, with whom he dined in public by invitation.
With this as a prologue, he engaged himself in the ever-pleasurable task of delivering a long, congratulatoryaddress.
On the 10th we reached King George's Sound, where we were heartily welcomed and presented with a congratulatoryaddress.
The commander of the local brigade read a congratulatoryaddress, and so did the governor, and the audience shouted banzais.
The Recorder read the loyal and congratulatoryaddress welcoming his sovereign, and recalling Queen Elizabeth's visit to open the first Exchange.
After the emperor read out a formal proclamation, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe delivered a congratulatoryaddress, ending with shouts of Banzai, banzai!
Butler, and that gentleman, on behalf of Messrs. Clunes, the residents of the locality, his scholars, and himself, presented us with a congratulatoryaddress.
His friends in Liverpool, and the Greenwich Liberal Association presented him with congratulatoryaddresses.
The train stopped again at Boston and reception of congratulatoryaddresses on the Exhibition.
The sermon and the congratulatoryaddresses it provoked were published by the society and industriously circulated.
They may take the form of congratulatoryaddresses, of toasts and responses, or more formal addresses.
The next day was devoted to speech-making; various deputations waiting upon the new Duke of Brabant with congratulatoryaddresses.
The city of London, the universities, and many other corporations of the kingdom, presented congratulatoryaddresses to his majesty.
On Thursday, deputations from the Frenchmen resident in the city, and from the gentlemen of the Bar, waited on him, and presented congratulatoryaddresses.