Aún no tenemos significados para "connected whole".
1It was not a congeries of separated particles, but a connected whole.
2The different parts of the book constitute a well connected whole.
3Each individual is a connected whole, of which all the parts have a necessary correspondence.
4For this reason it is extremely difficult to view and understand as one connected whole.
5The whole series of dreams, however, remained in my memory as a connected whole when I awoke.
6They do not form a connected whole.
7But his memory was returning gradually, and he was trying to piece together the fragments into a connected whole.
8He held his breath trying to gather up the loose ends-tomake a connected whole; to fit the parts together.
9The series of Sermons, bearing the above title, were written exclusively for perusal, and are arranged as a connected whole.
10Petty thefts, wanton assaults, purposeless outrage-tothe man who held the clue all could be worked into one connected whole.
11The connected whole of divinely produced ideas we call nature, and the constant regularity in their succession, the laws of nature.
12The first is that the Bible must be thought of not as a series of disconnected texts and thoughts, but as a connected whole.
13In 1819 he published the "Gods of the North," in which he combines all the legends of the Edda into one connected whole.
14Facts in his hands fell into their orderly relation as parts of a connected whole, and were never presented merely as special or isolated phenomena.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Connected whole a través del tiempo
Connected whole por variante geográfica