Opinion polls show that Hollande's Socialist Party will trounce Sarkozy's conservativeUMP in the elections.
Sarkozy's conservativeUMP party also chimed in on Syria.
The entire leadership of the conservativeUMP resigned over a financial scandal involving former president Nicolas Sarkozy.
Socialists and the conservativeUMP are toughening their policies, in the hope of blunting the appeal of the anti-immigrant, far-right National Front.
One lawmaker for France's conservativeUMP opposition party, which banned the wearing of full-face veils while in office, questioned the scheme's usefulness.
The score was also a blow to the conservativeUMP, whose chairman Jean-Francois Cope is expected to face challenges to his leadership.
The Socialist proposal has next to no chance of passing in the lower house of parliament, where Sarkozy's conservativeUMP has a majority.
Sunday's second round of regional elections in France were a "disaster" for the ruling conservativeUMP party, wrote Serge July in.
Ex-president Nicolas Sarkozy has vowed to win National Front voters over to his conservativeUMP with tough policies on national identity and immigration.
The conservativeUMP won an estimated 21 per cent of the vote, the ruling socialist party 14.5 per cent.
Did Jean-Francois Copé, the leader of the conservativeUMP party, overcharge then president Nicolas Sarkozy and impoverish the party to enrich his own friends?
Voting began in the first round of France's legislative election today with President Nicolas Sarkozy's conservativeUMP party expected to strengthen its hold on power.
The conservativeUMP meanwhile saw off a challenge to its rule in the port of Marseille, although the FN won in the city's seventh district.
In the run-up to the first round of nationwide municipal elections on March 23rd, the conservativeUMP was buried in an avalanche of politico-financial scandals.
Some 62 percent of conservativeUMP voters want to see Sarkozy run for the presidency in 2017, according to an Ifop poll published in September.