The three faces contrastedvividly in the ruddy glow of the fire.
The whites of their eyes contrastedvividly with the dense blackness of their skins.
Their brilliant colour contrastedvividly with the whitish-blue of their antagonists, for the struggle was indisputable.
Sir Chichester raised his voice in a sharp cry which contrastedvividly with the deliberative sentences preceding it.
She still wore mourning, and the alabaster fairness of her complexion contrastedvividly with the black bombazine dress.
The grandeur of the occasion contrastedvividly with the poverty of its circumstances, and roused a feeling of religious terror.
To everyone's relief, a sprightly upright figure in a dark uniform which contrastedvividly with his bright, bouncy grey hair emerged.
The brutal shouts of the men contrastedvividly with the high-pitched adjurations of the women and the wails and cries of the terrified children.
The invalids seemed to be attended by their relatives or friends, whose strongly-knit frames and sun-burned faces contrastedvividly with those of the pilgrims.
Bamian was reached on September 3d, where the wretchedness of the quarters contrastedvividly with the amenity of those left behind on the Cabul plain.