A lever used by a pilot to control the ailerons and elevators of an airplane.
1At about fifty feet Max hauled back on the control stick.
2He roared down the runway, pulling the control stick that gave the plane lift.
3Josh smiled as he pulled back on the control stick.
4On most drones this means pushing the left control stick up for a few seconds.
5The heavy, trigger-laden control stick transmitted an electric sensation, a stimulation resonating deep within her.
6My ship begins to shake; the control stick bucks against my hands like an unruly eel.
7The steering wheel is used on the road; a collapsible control stick is used in the air.
8So your left control stick controls the left wing, your right control stick controls the right wing.
9Malachi's hand tensed on his control stick.
10At that point he began controlling it using the yoke, which operated like a standard pilot's control stick.
11The bartender nodded amiably and reached for a control stick for the large holoscreen mounted above the bar.
12Three seconds later, the plane's control stick began to shake in a warning that a stall was near.
13Joe jammed the control stick forward.
14I jerk on the control stick.
15High-pressure air is pushed through a control stick that determines the left, right and forward movement of the submarine.
16A journey of a thousand miles begins with floating words telling you to use the left control stick to walk.
Translations for control stick