Aún no tenemos significados para "corncakes".
1Among the other edibles there were always corncakes for the dogs.
2The family had been living on corncakes and sorghum molasses for three days.
3Well, we would eat corncakes with bacon grease a while longer.
4He read until a late lunch of corncakes and barley-and-rice soup was served in the dining room.
5Would you pass the corncakes, please?
6Bidwell shoved a platter of corncakes in his direction and Matthew speared two of them with his knife.
7She gave him the soft corncakes Apolonia had packed for them, and after a while she slept a little.
8Greathouse finished all but a last bite of the sausage, which he obviously intended to savor when he'd gone through his corncakes.
9A breakfast of eggs, fried potatoes, and corncakes filled Matthew's belly, all washed down with a cup of sturdy dark brown tea.
10When the evening came, the neighbors in the brush houses sat eating their corncakes and beans, and they discussed the great theme of the morning.
11Smoke of the first fires seeped out through the walls of the brush houses, and the first smell of cooking corncakes was in the air.
12Greathouse ate a bite of corncake and tapped his fork quietly against the platter.
13There were corncake and moose venison for Thanksgiving dinner.
14Kino squatted by the fire pit and rolled a hot corncake and dipped it in sauce and ate it.
15Here they were regaled with sagamite, or Indian porridge, corncake, beans, and bread made of the meal of parched corn.
16White bread, corncake, cold chicken, pot-cheese in great creamy balls, and a hot molasses cake to come on with the berries.
Corncakes a través del tiempo